Thursday 24 February 2011

Optimising profile generated with PM5

By tweaking the data for white point and black point in the reference list, ΔE of color reproduction can be optimised with profile generated using PM5.

Summary of Result
a) The scanned data (non color managed) in TIFF was read with CS4, assigned with the designated profile and converted to ProPhoto color space.
b) RGB data was extracted with the scanner module in PM5
c) Extracted RGB data was read with PatchTool  and compared with reference list.
               average   90%      95%      max
PM5(tweaked)    0.84     1.48     2.04     2.75
MP              1.69     2.21     2.31     2.70     (ver 4.8)
PM5             2.31     3.70     3.97     4.37     (ver 5.0.10)

Tweaked PM5 scanner icc profile

Optimal tuned

Over tuned

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