Wednesday 16 March 2011

Argyll .cht template

[ .cht format ]
The .cht file recordes the image recognition information that is to be used  by scanin for extracting the rgb values from tiff image file. A preliminary .cht file can be generated by running scanin with -g option, cleaning up with a text editor and adding the necessary key words, parameters and references.

defining the main template
setting Diagnostic Box 1

setting Diagnostic Box 2

kl lxs lxe  lys lye     w       h       xo      yo       xi      yi
Y  01  19    A   H    25.625  25.625   26.625  26.625   25.625  25.625
Y  01  22    I   L    25.625  25.625   26.625 231.625   25.625  25.625
X GS00 GS23  _   _    25.625  51.250    2.000 358.750   25.625   0.000

w,h       width and height of each sample box
xo,yo    top left of the box array, from the origin
xi,yi      x-increment and y-increment of the box array

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