Saturday 19 March 2011

Evaluation of RGB calibration with CT3

Argyllcms 1.3.2
ColorThink Pro 3 [ link ]
Scanner target: Kodak IT8 Q60 reflective
Epson V500 scanner

                       a) colprof -v -qh -ax scanner
                       b) colprof -v -qh -ax -u scanner
                       c) colprof -v -qh -ax -un scanner
                       d) MP - profile created with Monaco Profiler 4.8

Evaluate device RGB neutrals

Enlarged view: near White
Enlarged view: near Black

with option -al,  from different perspective
The L-axis represents the ideal neutral gray or R=G=B.  The goal of most gamut mapping algorithms is to map source neutrals to device neutrals. A better calibrated profile would have neutral points stay closer to the neutral axis.

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