Tuesday 15 March 2011

Evaluate scanner profile with Argyll "robust" mean

PM5: scanner profile generated with PM5
MP: scanner profile generated with MP
Argyll: scanner profile generated with Argyllcms 1.3.2

Kodak Q60 scanned image (ncm) was assigned profile with CS4, then converted to aRGB color space. RGB values (robust mean algorithm) were sampled with Argyll's command: scanin -o raw.tif it8_Q60.cht. val file was read with PatchTool and compared with reference set.

                   average  90%     95%     max

PM5                 1.68    2.30    2.47    3.00
MP                  0.42    0.75    0.88    1.82
Argyll              0.17    0.35    0.46    1.60 (option -qu -ax)

PM5(tweaked 98a)    0.96    1.55    2.00    2.73
MP (tweaked white)  0.40    0.71    0.90    2.17

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