Saturday 12 March 2011

CS5 Ideal settings for managing scanned data

Reference Links:  [Link 1]

1) In CS5, choose Edit > Color Settings.
2) Change RGB working space to preferred working space, sRGB or aRGB or ProPhoto.
3) Click on the More Options button to expand the dialog box.
4) Always select Adobe (ACE) as the Conversion engine. see note (a)
5) Change the Intent setting to Absolute Colorimetric.  see note (b)

(a) Microsoft ICM does not handle the conversion correctly when Absolute colorimetric rendering was selected.
(b) So that absolute (intent) Lab values are displayed when the related profile is assigned. With Absolute Colorimetric, colors would be matched exactly with no adjustment made for white point or black point that would alter the image’s brightness.

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