Sunday 6 March 2011

CS5 Color Space Conversion Engines

CS5 ver 12.0.3
Assigned with Monaco scanner profile
Converted to aRGB
Output with Tiff 
Extraxted rgb values 
Compared with reference data using PatchTool

               average   90%      95%      max
Adobe (ACE)
absolute        0.40     0.69     0.88     1.84    
relative        0.40     0.69     0.88     1.84 
perceptual      1.99     2.54     2.61     3.10 

Microsoft (ICM)
absolute        6.47    10.85    11.59    13.78    
relative        0.44     0.74     0.90     2.00

perceptual      1.82     2.33     2.42     2.86


converted with Adobe engine: Absolute/Relative rendering intent

converted with Adobe engine: Perceptual rendering intent

converted with ICM engine: Absolute rendering intent

converted with ICM engine: Relative rendering intent

converted with ICM engine: Perceptual rendering intent

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