Wednesday 9 March 2011

Performance of Argyll's scanner profile

Argyll 1.3.2
Module: scanin

                   average   90%      95%      max

Argyll (default)    1.06     1.93     2.32     5.63
MP                  1.69     2.21     2.31     2.70     
PM5                 1.99     2.63     2.79     3.23 

MP tweaked          0.40     0.69     0.88     1.84

PM5 tweaked         1.21     1.78     2.26     3.08 

Comparing  RGB raw values of Tiff file (Non-Color-Managed)
The RGB values with Argyll and that with Imatest are similar. Imatest uses ICCTrans, the Matlab interface to the LittleCMS color management system. Their values are also closely resemblance to that readout with an eyedropper of size of 11x11 in CS4.

Comparing the rgb value (ncm) for patch L19
             RGB_R   RGB_G   RGB_B
Argyll       20.408  26.135  78.895
PM5          20.990  27.030  80.100
Imatest      20.740  26.250  78.820

Comparing result with reference data & respective generated profile
Scanned images were assigned with the respective profile and converted to aRGB color space. RGB values were extracted with PM5 and compared with the reference patch using PatchTool.
                  ΔE2000 for patch L19
Argyll                 5.63         
PM5                    1.53
MP                     0.50

Warning message while running scanin.exe
"wrong data type 7 for "RichTIFFIPTC"; tag ignored"
This warning is issued by libTIFF, this is due to a data type is defined incorrectly. This bug should not affect the overall result.
Link1  Link2

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